Animal health diploma course

Animal health diploma course

The animal health expert´s goal is based on the fundamentals of the species-specific needs of animals.
For this he needs a thorough knowledge of the various correlations that he acquires in an informed and responsible education.
Here the living entity is seen as a whole and a part of the whole. Rather than covering the symptoms, but recognize the causes that have led to ailments.

Statistically, today every second household has at least one pet. More and more people want to reduce their isolation by the affection and company of an animal.
Almost every pet owner is willing to do anything possible to help his animal if it is in need.
Our teachers are vets and therapists with many years of professional experience who would like to pass on their valuable knowledge to our students, as the welfare and health of animals are their main focus .
The training can be completed part-time, as a distance course.
Since a majority is complentary methods, no medical previous knowledge is required.
Everything you need is taught in this course.

What is required of the students to do the animal health diploma course?


Enthusiasm and hard work during the course.
Openness to ​​helping with natural and alternative resources.
Only to act for the benefit of animals, and to do nothing selfish if it could harm the animals.
Only to carry out acts that give the profession of pet health expert the image of an animal friendly person.

Main components of the animal health diploma course

  • Reflexology

  • Acupressure

  • Color Light Therapy

  • Homeopathy

  • Aroma Therapy

  • Diet Therapy

  • Vitamins and Minerals

  • Flower Essentials

  • Herbs

After the animal health diploma course

After the training, there is the opportunity to further develop in certain subjects.

If you like you can complete this training with testing and certification.
However, the completed and passed exams are required for the diploma.
The professional opportunities depend on youself, as in any other profession too.

The animal health diploma course is suitable for:

  • Pet owners,

  • Keepers in animal shelters, zoos, university veterinarians

  • Veterinarians, veterinary assistants

  • Breeders

  • Animal trainers

  • Employees of dog schools and pet shops

  • etc.

animal health diploma coursePrerequisits

The love of animals and the completed 18th birthday.
Other important information you can find here

Syptoms of diabetes in cats

Syptoms of diabetes in cats

Feline diabetes is a metabolic disease and the four-legged friends has to constantly fight with an elevated blood sugar level. Which cats are particularly at risk, and what symptoms the disease brings along, you can find here.

Diabetes in cats: Possible Causes

In addition to the risks of hereditary related strains, certain breeds may be more affected by diabetes than others. Among the endangered breeds are for example, the Burma-cats. Overweight cats are more at risk than normal weight felines, Diabetes also occurs more frequently in neutered male cats and cats older than six years.
Also wrong feeding, for example, sugary foods may favor the disease. In addition, problems with the pancreas and other endocrine glands and the administration of different drugs can be the cause of diabetes in cats. If you notice any of the following symptoms in your cat, you should consult a veterinarian.

Symptoms of diabetes in cats: Pay attention to these signs

symptoms of diabetes in catsDiabetes in cats is often long undetected because in the beginning the disease manifests only mild symptoms. Be therefore sensitive over small changes that you notice in your cat’s behavior. Increased water drinking and frequent discontinuation of urine may indicate, for example, an elevated blood sugar level.

Stump, shaggy coat, fatigue and apathy may also occur in the animal. Cats with diabetes often have cravings while still losing weight. Some felines show a hind leg weakness and difficulty in healing. It becomes dangerous when you discover the following symptoms in your cat:

Acute diabetes symptoms in cats for which you should consult a veterinarian immediately

If life-threatening changes in blood sugar levels, the cat must be treated immediately by a veterinarian. Evidence may be conspicuous apathy, vomiting and confusion. Warning: Possibly dehydration may be threatening your cat´s health. You notice a dehydration by dry mucous membranes, and with a simple test: Pinch your cat´s skin with 2 fingers. If after releasing the skin doesn´t immediately smooth out again, a drying up of the cat is very likely. In case of low blood sugar also restlessness, muscle tremors, convulsions and paralysis may occur.

When you notice early symptoms you can easily eliminate these by applying Color Light Therapy to avoid the illness from becoming threatening to your cat´s health. If your cat is already in veterinarian treatment for Diabetes Color Light Therapy can be used in combination with medication and achive bringing your cats´s health back to balance so that she can live a normal life again.

Our yellow Color Light Therapy Protocol is designed to help your cat with diabetes symptoms. In cojunction with the Tweaklite you will be able to improve your cat´s health.

Prevention is of course the best solution, therefore we recommend to feed your cat good quality pet food and apply the Color Light Therapy regularly to maintain your cat´s health at its best.