Horse Colic Treatment

Horse Colic Treatment

Horse colic – A disease that can not only causes pain, but can also be lethal for your horse. Here you will find valuable informtion on this disease and horse colic treatment.

Colics are feared by all horse lovers, because these diseases cause the horse not only severe pain but can also be fatal for them. Almost all horses get at least once in their lives colic, some also very commonly. Therefore it is very important for horse owners to find out everything about this disease.
Fundamentally colic is not a single disease, it is a collective term for symptoms that indicate several diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract.

What signs reveal colic?

Depending on the type and severity of colic the signs vary as well. Mostly the horse paws with its hooves, it is restless and walks restlessly in the box. It turns the head over and over again towards the belly to try and bite itself. The more severe the disease and the more advanced, the worse the symptoms. The horse starts to sweat, yawn and nuzzle repeatedly. It also repeatedly gets down and up again to rolls on the abdomen or lies down on its back. It breathes faster and also the heartbeat is accelerated, the eyes and nostrils are inflated. Based on these signs colic can always be noticed.

But what to do if you suspect colic? One can hardly look into a horse to find out how bad the colic actually is and how much pain the horse is in. Therefore, it is advisable to call the vet immediately. Another important step is to prevent the horse from lying down. Movement helps the animals with mild to moderate colic as antispasmodic and relaxation. If the horse lays down or rolls onto the stomach intestines could move or even tie up, which should be strictly avoided! However, the colic sometimes can be so strong that the circulation of the horse greatly impaires and motion is therefore not advisable. Until the veterinarian arrives and explains both colic type and the severity of the disease and the way forward, the horse should be prevented even from taking in the fodder. One should remove hay or other feed, and be careful that it eats no litter. It is also advantageous when temperature and pulse of the horse is measured because for the veterinarian these are all beneficial information.

What types of colic in horses exist?

There are several types of colics, from which you may already have heard or should know about.
The most common colic is the so called Cold Weather Colic. As the name suggests it involves paraxymal and fierceful cramps which appear when the weather changes, in stressful situations, if the horse drinks too fast or too much water, or may occur with overexertion.
The Gas Colic is the distension of the bowel through an excess gas formation. There are several reasons for this, mostly, an incorrect feeding is to blame. For example, if the horse has eaten too much grass (Gardeners like to through their mown grass onto the horse meadows, in the belief that the horses like to eat it, however, the cut grass almost always leads to a Gas Colic. Sometimes horses die due to the overzealous gardeners!), too much clover or fresh bread.
Even constipation can be a reason.

Often the Impaction Colic occurs. Parts of the large intestine are blocked. This colic manifests itself through inertia and the circulatory system, the horses are mostly sideways and move little.
When the small intestine is twisted, which is the most serious form of colic, it´s called a twisted bowel. The horse suffers from severe pain that occurs suddenly and violently, the horse trying to relieve the pain by wallowing. Often these colics is to be treated only by surgery.
Eats the horse too fast and a lot, it may lead to stomach overcharge. Since horses can not vomit, the contents of the stomach must usually be removed by a veterinarian.

Horse colic treatment

In any case it is advisable to call the vet, who is more familiar with this disease and can act accordingly. Some horses are particularly susceptible to colic and should therefore be closely monitored. One can also take certain safety precautions:

  • examining the horse paddox regularly

  • paying attention to quality of the food

  • not feed too large amounts

  • do not let the horse drink large quantities of water immediately after strenuous exercise

  • avoiding stress

Complementary Horse Colic Treatment

Using Color Light Therapy and/or Reflex Therapy you can easily and effectively treat and prevent the disease.

Dry skin in dogs, cats and horses – Natural Treatments

Dry skin in pets – Tips and Treatment options

The frequently occurring dry skin of animals can be treated with simple home remedies. Below you will find self-help measures for dry skin in dogs, cats and horses.

In the initial stage, it might still be easy to handle, but later, when the itching leads to real skin problems, it will be difficult. Dry skin usually indicates a health problem of your animal, and usually means that it does not get all the nutrients it needs for healthy skin.


Scratching can indicate dry skin or parasites.

Another cause of the dry skin of a dog might be that you bathe him too often. The chemicals in the shampoo that you use for the dog wash, could strip the natural moisture of the skin. Thereby it is dry. Fortunately, this condition can be corrected with the following simple home remedies. Read how to treat dry skin in dogs, cats and horses and what home remedies there are.

Home remedies for dry skin

The following resources are useful for treating the dry skin of dogs, cats and horses, if the condition is not too bad. If you believe that your pet’s skin is too dry and it is affected by acute itching, seek immediate veterinarian advise. He will give your pet the proper medicine.

Dry skin in dogs natural treatment

Use a special shampoo for dry skin of dogs, cats or horses. Just like our skin tends to dry out in winter, this also applies to the skin of pets. Don´t bathe your dog too often in the winter, and use a shampoo that was made especially for the species. This ensures that his skin no longer dries out more than necessary.

Stroke your pet often. If you pat the animal often, it promotes the distribution of the natural oil on the skin. Thus, the skin is kept moist. You should also often brush the fur to ensure this distribution. By brushing you also rid your pet of scaly skin and promote the formation of new healthy skin.

Optimize the diet of your cat, dog or horse. As already mentioned, the health problems of dometstic animals often result from a deficient diet. So if you notice dry skin in your pet, one of the easiest home remedies, it optimizing the diet. Give your pet quality ​​food, which improves its overall health, skin and fur.

Give a teaspoon of olive oil or flaxseed oil into the food, it has been proven support for dry skin. Flaxseed oil consists of essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are a good nutrient for healthy skin.

Try a bath or mask of oatmeal, depending on the animal. Dog health experts recommend to give the dog a 15 minute gelatinous oatmeal bath because it relieves the itching, which is usually the result of dry skin. A cat would probably not allow a bath, and a horse is too big too have a whole oatmeal bath, however giving cats and horses an oatmeal body ´mask´ or scrub will help reduce the itching of the dry skin.

dry skin in cats natural treatmentFind and fight the cause of dry skin in dogs, cats and horses. Sometimes dry skin is caused by the infestation of parasites. For example if you find dry skin on the ears of your pet, he probably has mites. This causes the itching and the associated dry skin. Dip a cotton ball in mineral oil and spread it on the infected area to get rid of the mites.

Put olive oil on the affected areas. Normally, you will only notice dry skin in one place and not all over the body. Many people notice, for example, dry patches only on the nose of their pet, without regard to any other disease. This can be easily treated by dipping a cotton swab in olive oil and applying it on the affected area. Do this as often as necessary.

These tips for the treatment of dry skin in dogs, cats and horse are very simple and easy to follow. As mentioned above, you should consult your veterinarian if you notice dry skin in your pet and the treatment using home remedies is not successful. In some cases, dry skin and other skin diseases in dogs, cats and horses can be a symptom of other health problems. Too dry skin also attracts fleas and other insects that can aggravate the condition yet. Treat the problem therefore immediately if you notice it, either with the presented home remedies or by a veterinarian.

Herbs for cats

Old cats health: Herbs for cats

For relief from age-related complaints, there are various natural remedies that ensure that your cat is mentally and physically agile again.

Your old cat is not really sick, the vet already excluded any illness. But she is increasingly plagued by age complaints: She is often tired and not so mobile. Her favorite place on the windowsill she only reaches with a podium. Her coat is not as shiny as it used to be because the limited mobility makes grooming harder. In addition, she has hardly any teeth left and often suffers from constipated. Such age related complaints can be relieved with a whole range of natural remedies. Medicinal plants, which have been used in human medicine for a long time, have proven to be very effective. Hawthorn strengthens the cat’s heart and promotes circulation. For lack of concentration and forgetfulness helps ginkgo because it improves circulation of the smallest blood vessels. If the cat is suffering from arthritis, yucca can relieve their pain, and also alfalfa, which also has a detoxifying effect. Horsetail supplies them with essential minerals, dandelion detoxifies the liver.

Medicinal herbs for cats as a tea or capsule

herbs for catsThe medicinal herbs are available as teas or in the form of capsules at the vet or pharmacist. Powdered herbs can be mixed directly into the feed. The tastier and stronger in taste the food, for example, tuna or sardines, the better it covers the herbal flavor. You start with a low dose and this way you sneak in the taste. Gradually it is increased over a week until the full dose is reached, as older cats usually react negatively to taste changes and reject new tastes. Comply animals can be given the powder in capsule form also directly into the little mouth by the owner. Depending on their size, the cat gets half to one dose of the in the package insert specified amount for a human infant, i.e. for the delicate Senior cat half of the capsule´s content is enough, while it has to be the whole dose for a big cat.

Chinese Herbal Medicine for your old cats health

The Chinese herbal medicine also has to offer good things to an aging cat. Mixtures with ginseng keep them fit and healthy in old age. The Chinese recipes, finely balanced herbal combinations that reinforce their effects (eg they have a toning and moisturizing impact), however, are available only at the therapist´s. And with good reason: They are targeted as a drug use. Therefore, you should previously stimulate the elderly cat by other means, such as with Bach flowers or color light therapy. It makes sense to combine the herbal medicine with acupressure or reflex tehrapy. The owner should massage the longevity points daily, such as Di 4 (located between the first and second toe) and Ma 36. The relevant points stimulated for five seconds by applying pressure with the tip of the index finger or thumb (with warm hands). The cat should be relaxed and calm.

Homeopathic Pharmacy is also a resource to vitalise the cat. The vegetal means Ginkgo biloba for better circulation is available in homeopathic potencies. And dripped on a blob of cream, the cat will accept the drop well without problems. In order to strengthen the immune system, for example we advise Echinacea, for spinal problems use Arnica or maid flour, which is actually a means of homotoxicology. A tiresome subject of old age is the digestion. The nutrient utilization does not work so well anymore. And then the cat becomes constipated. Therefore a change in diet is important. As the older cat is not as active, her food should no longer be so high in calories. The protein intake should be reduced by almost half, to relieve liver and kidney additives. Wheat bran, oat bran and plantain seeds in the diet act as well to couteract constipation.

Trout strengthens the Chi

From the perspective of Chinese Dietetics, foods have thermal qualities, such as hot, warm, neutral, cooling and cold. Fish like salmon, herring, trout are warming and strengthen the Chi, as well as oats and pumpkin. If the animal tends to constipation, leave out the warming proteins and give the cat instead the soothing and moisturizing foods to eat, such as duck, cod, yoghurt and millet.


Horse knee injury treatment

Horse knee injury treatment

funny horseI´ts not uncommon that horses suffer from a so-called patellar dislocation. This means that the internal patellar ligament is too loose and the kneecap bounces. In motion, the horse then sometimes bends the hind legs. In the prior, the therapist can trigger the jumping of the patella for the diagnosis. The patellar luxation is very painful. Therefore, when the horse is galloping the hind legs work in lang lay (rabbit gallop) and often trot awkwardly at the back. Some horses, on one hand, prefer gallop, while on the other prefer to trot. You want to avoid tight turns. The riding of many narrow turns worsenes the problem.

Therapy: When the horse has knee pain it whould always be ensured that pelvis and sacrum are straight, in order to minimize the burden. Riding transitions and bar work can train and strengthen the patellar tendon muscles.

Acupuncture can help to relieve pain and promote the healing process. Knee problems are associated with the stomach meridian. In horses up to 6 years old you have to wait for the growth to finish and treat as described above.

Reflex Therapy and Color Light Therapy are similar treatments to Acupuncture, however, they are easier to apply as you either gently massage the horse´s face or legs or do a non-touch treatment with the Tweaklite (Color Light Therapy).

In difficult cases, the veterinarian can treat the horse by placing an artificial inflammation, so that the internal patellar ligament shortens. Hyaluronic acid can be injected into the joint to improve the lubricity. The therapy can be supported by drugs, minerals and herbs. Of course, the cartilage layer suffers on the roll ridge and causes permanent damage when there´s lack of treatment.