´Catient´ gets treament for cats by cat

Yet another cuteness-overflowing treatment for cats video of a cat therapist treating his ´catient´ (cat patient) …

Does anybody else believe that the cat giving the massage knows exactly what it´s doing and that there´s a purpose behind this treatment?

I´ve heard of a woman who helped people with a complementary therapy in her own home. She laid the visitor on a massage couch and waited for her cat to jump onto it, search for a place to lie on the person and when she sat down the owner knew where she had to treat the client. The cat instictively knew where the patient´s aliment resided and showed her human where to look for the issue.

11539066_10207033810427120_6561287216746887428_oFunny enough, my cat Mango lay on my chest with his paws on my throat one morning when I woke up with a painful throat and swollen glands. He does like to lay on my chest but he never actually had put his paws on my neck before… I thanked him for the ‘treatment’ because even if he wasn’t healing me on purpose, it did feel like a nice and loving act… AND my throat was less painful in the end 🙂

(Sorry for the bad quality of the picture!)

Treatment for cats

I strongly believe that the cat in this video also has a sense for something that might be troubling its friend and chose the lower abdominal area for a good reason. This doesn´t mean that the ´catient´ necessarily was suffering from a stomach pain… in reflexology we can see that certain trigger points in the face and paws/hands are related to other body parts and once they´ve been stimulated either via touch or light therapy the suffering area improves very quickly.

The problem is rarely where we or our pets experience the pain or illness, most of the time it´s coming from another part of the body and can even be related to emotional imbalances.

Our treatment for cats

Facial Reflex and Color Light Therapy are 2 powerful methods that can help your cat, dog or horse overcome health issues in a highly effective and noninvasive manner. Check out our Shop and find helpful tools to support your beloved pet in a natural way.

All of our treatments for cats, dogs and horses are natural and painfree.